Kara Laudi 0 0 March 8, 2017 Using Reference Checks the Right Way Conducting a reference check is analogous to reading reviews on a product before making a…Read More
Kara Laudi 0 1 February 7, 2017 Turning 78 Cents into a Dollar: The Case for Anonymous Job Applications The shortage of women in technology has received a lot of attention lately. I don’t necessarily…Read More
Mario Laudi 0 0 November 23, 2015 Team Building Lessons from Leaders in Pro Sports If you’ve never been involved with a technology company, you’ve likely painted a picture in…Read More
Kara Laudi 0 0 November 18, 2015 Why Dogs Look Like Their Owners and How it Affects Your Hiring The single biggest factor in creating a successful team is not skill, it’s not IQ,…Read More
Kara Laudi 0 0 November 17, 2015 The Forgotten Variable of Successful Hiring There is a common misconception that top performances are the result of hard-work. It’s assumed…Read More